Trial Request

ERIC Online (ERIC Online 教育資源網)

The Educational Resource Information Center (ERIC) is the most famous international database in fields of education and social science. ERIC, established in 1966, is supported by the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, and the National Library of Education.

     ERIC is the largest educational data-clearing house with over 1 million entries. 16 subjects in education are covered including higher education, special education, education management, etc.In order to help users to get access to the information more easily, we translated the 26 search fields into Chinese, and built links to four fields, including author, descriptions, ERIC subjects and title. Users can select their intended subjects to search the database. 11,000 subject terms are listed in the English-Chinese Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors. The bilingual thesaurus was built with the aid of professionals and scholars. The thesaurus helps users better understand the descriptions and makes it possible to search the database by either Chinese or English.